Fly Fishing– It might be evident that the United States is a popular site for the game itself, but some exceptional locations exist to visit. Want to do something out of routine in your vacations, something relaxing and thrilling at the same time! Try hands-on a sport which is sneakily getting popular as recreation activity in people.


A wealth of pristine lakes and rivers – over 100,000 throughout the area – make it the perfect destination for fly fishing in the Saskatchewan province of Canada. The site has the northern monster pike and Walleye and many rainbows and lake trout.
Fishing holes can also be found by car, but fly-in options are also available to reach truly great spots. It allows travelers to access some of the province’s most remote rivers and lakes via a floatplane and take them far away from the beating path when looking for trophy fish.

Fly Fishing

New Zealand:

Take your selection from the two islands in the North or South of New Zealand, and they offer incredible fishing and excellent fishing trout! The search for a guide in the islands is no problem, and there are many great opportunities to facilitate the organization of fishing trips.

The best fishery to walk or helicopter to remote locations in New Zealand (do not expect good fishing near the road). Travelers can use New Zealand’s extensive hut system to stay and rest while on a Fly Fishing adventure.



While during Fly Fishing, one may not find salmon fishing in other rivers, the number of fish is nothing short of staggering. Anglers will catch twice as many of them on some of the rivers! The most suggested place is the Midfjarda River. It has everything in Iceland, even if the fishing seasons are short and the fishermen use their potential to the best of their ability. For a complete experience, consider a Midfjarda Lodge stay where you can enjoy a comfortable stay, excellent cuisine, and expert guides who will help you get around.

Chile and Argentina

Chile and Argentina:

Patagonia, this section of wilderness is one of the most stunning areas, located in the far southern tip of South America. It also houses world-class trout-fishing, where anglers can explore numerous rivers, streams, and lakes. Interestingly, fishing is also a catch-and-release variety that ensures that future generations can enjoy the Patagonian waterways.



The wild is rough with broad and mighty rivers and fish huge and delight to the eyes. It is booked with the angler on the rivers like the famous Kharlovk and Ponoi, aiming at the Atlantic Salmon each year. The especially talked region is The territory of Kamchatka, which stems from Southern Siberia to the west of Alaska. Its coastal landscapes are filled with fishy waters, its snowy horizons. Humankind virtually did not affect any of the peninsulae. It is a Utopia of salmon and char.
Here is the expert guide to places where Fly Fishing would be a fruitful experience.