Bob Clouser’s Flyfishing Schools and Casting Clinics are offered at various locations to individuals with a wide range of skills. These schools are targeted to saltwater or freshwater settings. The techniques that are taught can be readily applied to either. Bob reviews each caster’s skills and prescribes methods for improvement. Linda Heller assists with these events.
Bob offers numerous schools throughout the year. You will learn how to control line, get more distance with tight loops and be accurate when sight casting to feeding fish. Bob has developed a number of unique techniques, including use of a rope, as fly casting visual aids. His methods of teaching will help you understand the dynamics of casting, which will improve distance and accuracy whether you are experienced or just beginning. In either case, you will work with one of the most skillful, patient and entertaining teachers you’ve ever had.
Topics covered include basic flycasting skills – applying Lefty Kreh’s method for the most efficient, least physically stressful casting; rigging and fishing techniques with all three line types.
School tuition includes use of all the necessary casting equipment, the Temple Fork Outfitters line of high quality fly rods, reels and Rio fly lines. Bob also recommends Chota Outdoor Gear for your wading and foul weather apparel. Students will receive a signed certificate with a souvenir Clouser Minnow tied by Bob Clouser. Tuition for the schools varies from $350-$475 depending on school location and facilities. The school tuition does not include lodging or meals.